XM Oxygen is an e-commerce application for Sage Accpac ERPTM that enables real-time, two-way integration between the Internet and a businesses back office operation. Users of XM Oxygen can deploy Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C) web stores, as well as, to enable Call Center and Remote Sales Representatives to place orders and view account/order activity on behalf of a customer.
XM Oxygen's real-time integration to Accpac eliminates the need to manage web store data separately from Accpac. XM Oxygen uses data as it has been set up in Accpac to display items and prices, to calculate taxes and currency conversions and to display customer order/shipment and transaction history etc. As a result the cost of managing an XM Oxygen website is substantially lower than traditional "stand alone" shopping cart implementations.
XM Oxygen utilizes technology developed by XM Developments over the past four years from working with international clients such as Nestlé, Pfizer, Cerebos, Arnotts and Coke to provide robust integrated e-commerce - off the shelf.
Real Time, All The Time
XM Oxygen is the only e-Commerce solution that features real-time integration with Sage Accpac ERP, all the time, regardless of where Accpac is located.

XM Oxygen
Implement B2B, B2C web stores with optimized web product category layout and search capabilities. Utilize XM Oxygen's cross selling features to bring attention to new products, products on sale, substitute or related products.
Provide remote Sales Representatives with the ability to place orders on behalf of customers and to monitor customer order and shipment status.
For customers with credit accept orders with a Purchase Order for later payment, or accpet credit card or PayPal transactions from customers without credit.
Provide customers with Real-time status of Orders, Quotes, Shipments, and AR transaction history, thereby improving customer service while reducing cost.
Take advantage of XM Oxygen's extensive web based reporting that can provide a consolitidated window in to customer order activity, out of stock or low stock items, top selling products, top customers by revenue, etc.
Real-time O/E Order Entry and Order Status
New Order Entry, Order Number, Order Status, Order UOM, Unit Price (Non Stock Shipping), Taxes and Tax Groups, Optional Fields, Order Status
Real-time O/E Quote Entry
New Quote Entry, Quote Number, Quote Expiry Date, Status
Real-time O/E Quote to Order Conversion
As above but converts a Quote to an order at the Quoted Price dates
Real-time O/E Shipping Status Notification
Automated Status notification both by email and site update, Tracking Number and Ship Via Carrier
Real-time A/R Customer Entry and Edit
Automated Status notification both by email and site update, Tracking Number and Ship Via Carrier
Real-time IC Items
Item Category, Account Set Code, Unit Weight Unit of measure, Alternate Item, Additional Item Information, Costing Method, Allow Item in Web Store, Inactive, Sellable, Stock Item, Kitting Item Units and Taxes
Real-time IC Pricing
IC Pricelists, Sale Pricing Contract Pricing, Multi-Currency Pricing
B2B/B2C/Web Order Entry
Simultaneous support for B2B, B2C, Sales Representatives and Call Center Staff to place orders/quotes, track order/shipment status, view transaction history

Multi-Tier Product Categories
Unlimited Number of product categories and sub-categories. Items can be resident in multiple or all categories/sub-categories.
Enhanced Product/Item Details
Add detailed product descriptions. Up to 16 images per item standard
Marketing/Cross Selling
Related Items, People who Bought this Also Bought, Featured Items, Spotlight Item, Scrolling Text Banner, Side Banners, Drop Down Notices
On Demand Product Catalogs
Create one, two or three column product catalogs in PDF format on the fly
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Searchable Content, User Friendly URLs, Key Word and Key Search Phrase, Integration with Google Analytics
Web Store Control Pannel
Intuitive and Easy to Use by Non-Technical Staff. Manage Site, Customers, Users, Item Pages, Categories, Shipping Cost Calculations, Reporting, etc.
Web Based Reporting
Extensive consolidated (all Accpac transactions) reporting services accessible based on permissions. Order Reports, Inventory Reports, User Reports and Customer Reports
Content Management System
Pre-built pages for About Us, Contact Us, Policies, etc. Ability to quickly and easily add custom content pages in site Navigation
Credit Card, Paypal and On Account. Credit Card data is never stored